Grow ideas with your community

Hoodstarter empowers organizations to launch and grow innovative projects by collaborating with their customers and community.

Create your own campaign

Share your project vision and invite ideas and discussion.

Get Started With a Campaign

Let your voice be heard

Find a project near you and add ideas to make it better.

Sign Up and Share Ideas

A launchpad for innovation

With a custom-branded campaign on Hoodstarter's platform, you can:


Hoodstarter deepens interaction for residents, businesses, and nonprofit organizations with an efficient digital platform and an open system that anyone can participate in.


A single platform improves sharing and retention of key facts, data, and practices between participants, and provides a record of historical achievements.


Campaigns act as repositories for new ideas, and offer direct access to trusted sources for innovative policies, practices, and products.


Campaigns invite a broader audience to participate and evaluate ideas, and offer the option to stay confidential or anonymous — resulting in a validated list of new solutions.


An efficient, democratized digital platform allows you to build consensus and feedback loops among your targeted participants.

Build Your Custom Campaign on Hoodstarter

Focus Areas

Welcome your team, strategic partners, or community into your strategy by inviting ideas around specific topics.

You can use these focus areas to engage, educate, and hear from your audience.


No idea is off limits! Suggest your own and see contributions from others.

Share your opinion by voting on the ideas you support.

Then, watch the best solutions move from idea to implementation.